Thursday 4 June 2015


This is a favourite and one of my oldest decks.  A mix of traditional and modern while still being incredibly flexible.  The major arcana has both astrological and Qabalah notations and the whole deck is full of animals and clear symbolism.

While there is a clear Rider-Waite-Smith influence its also clearly a modern deck.  Princesses and princes alongside queens and kings.  Several cards, especially a lot of the court cards are very accessible, as they are very modern versions.  For instance the hermit is female and has guiding star instead of a lantern.

The art includes photos so the faces are often of real people but set in a Tarot setting.  Rather than making things harder the faces draw you in.  These are people you understand so in turn you can understand the cards.

These are well thought out cards that also lend themselves to reflection. The longer you look the more you can get from them.
I will say that Melanie Gendron's art does drift into the surreal on occasion. I personally think that it's appropriate for the cards which are the most surreal and that the minor arcana tends to stick with very straight forward images.

A mystic and magic deck without being too esoteric.

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